Neal Haddaway


Published Work


Impact of Almería’s agri-food production on its water
(Next Blue, September 2023)

The Long-Term Scars of a Coal Obsession
(Anthroposphere, February 2024)


Coral slime, burning trees – and hope: Earth Photo 2023 shortlist – in pictures
The Guardian, June 2023

Fossil Free London protest at the Science Museum
The Evening Standard, February 2023

Extinction Rebellion protest at Harrods private jet terminal
The Times, February 2023
(Also featured in The Daily Mail and The Express)

Extinction Rebellion protest at Havas HQ
ADWEEK, October 2023
(Also featured in The Message, Campaign Live, More About Advertising and PR Week)

Scientists for Extinction Rebellion protest at DEFRA
CamdenNewJournal, December 2022

Scientist protestors cleared of causing criminal damage
Bristol Post, February 2023

© Neal Haddaway 2024 / Photojournalism and Documentary Photography  /  United Kingdom